Touchless User Interface™

The Simple AI Platform can be used to build any modality of Computer Vision-based Touchless User Interface (Tui™).

One configuration of Tui uses the center of one or two fingertips to perform any of the functions of a mouse, stylus, trackball, or touchscreen.  The same Tui can also be used for 3D interactions.

Tui may be configured to utilize more than two fingertips, the gaze of a person's eyes, the tip of a nose, facial expressions, or any other image sensor-observable characteristics that could enable a person to interact with devices.


Tui is Resource Efficient

A single fingertip-operated version of Tui has a working dataset that is made up of data regarding only one pixel from each sequential video image.

When using 1080p formatted video, Tui's elimination of all unnecessary data (noise) from each image's dataset results in an over 2,000,000-to-1 compression of the data from the original sensor observation's dataset.


Level Playing Fields for Disabled People

Tui can be configured to meet the special needs of any one specific person.  Specially configured versions of Tui are excellent resources for disabled people who previously had limited-to-no ability to interact with cyber resources.

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